GM submissions for Carnage 24 now open!

The time has arrived! We are now accepting game submissions for Carnage 24!

Carnage, like all gaming conventions, relies on over 200 Game Masters to run the hundreds of separate events that make up the convention. We are grateful for their contributions and efforts in helping to make Carnage the success that it is.

If you have never run a game at Carnage we are always happy to welcome new Game Masters!

Please visit our site on TableTop Events to submit games today.

As always, any Game Master that GM’s two 4-hour time slots or run a miniature game for at least 6 players in one 4-hour slot will be given a free badge to attend Carnage 24. When you are on the Home page of the Tabletop Events site please click the “Submit Events” to get started.

The deadline to submit events is Saturday, August 14th at midnight.

We hope to see you in November!