Role-Playing Games

Andre Kruppa
By Tara on October 24, 2018
[block id=”fast-five-2018″] Andre Kruppa is an inveterate road GM, bringing his theatrical style of role-playing with props, sound effects, lighting and more to tabletop conventions all over New England, be it in the Call of Cthulhu or Star Wars milieus, or powered by his very own Lucid Dreams game engine. TARA: How did you get into the tabletop hobby? […]
Posted in Carnage Fast Five | Tagged andre kruppa, carnage 21, fast five, lucid dreams, Role-Playing Games
Robin Lea
By Tara on September 26, 2018
[block id=”fast-five-2018″] Robin Lea is a game designer and author, working under the Peryton Publishing imprint to create games like Qalidar: Resistance. She lives in Cleveland, Ohio, with her old man. This year at Carnage 21, you can find Robin running Just Another Layover and Dungeon! TARA: What game are you playing the most right […]
Posted in Carnage Fast Five | Tagged buffy the vampire slayer, carnage 21, fast five, icons, peryton publishing, robin lea, Role-Playing Games

Oscar Rios
By Tara on September 19, 2018
[block id=”fast-five-2018″] Oscar Rios is the president of Golden Goblin Press, specializing in Call of Cthulhu role-playing content. This year at Carnage 21, you can find Oscar running games of Robotech and Cthulhu Invictus, as well as performing Glimpses Into the Empire — LIVE! TARA: What makes role-playing the Cthulhu mythos in a historical era […]
Posted in Carnage Fast Five | Tagged call of cthulhu, carnage 21, cthulhu invictus, fast five, golden goblin press, oscar rios, Role-Playing Games

GM Submissions Closing Soon for Carnage 21
By Tyler on July 12, 2018
The submission period for GMs to run games at Carnage 21 is winding down. If you’re interested in hosting a game or other event at the convention this year, head over to the registration site and submit your idea today. Submissions close at the end of July 31st so that Carnage staff can build this […]
Posted in Board Games, CCGs, Field Marshal Reports, Miniatures, Role-Playing Games | Tagged Board Games, card games, carnage 21, GMs, larps, miniatures, Role-Playing Games
Carnage XX Blog Roundup
By Tyler on November 20, 2017
If you couldn’t make it to Carnage this year, or there was just too much going on for you to see everything, some of our friends who came kindly wrote about their experiences at the convention this year. Check it out: Designer Robin Lea blogged about her weekend of running games and having fun, including […]
Posted in Board Games, CCGs, Field Marshal Reports, Miniatures, Role-Playing Games | Tagged Board Games, card games, carnage xx, conventions, miniatures, Role-Playing Games

Thank You for 20 Years of Carnage
By Tyler on November 8, 2017
This year at Carnage XX, we: raised over $2300 for Children’s Miracle Network hospitals with Team NEG and Extra Life raised over $1100 to find a cure for cancer with Gamers for a Cure proposed — and accepted! — marriage during Cards Against Humanity told ghost stories by the fireside with Oscar Rios and Golden […]
Posted in Board Games, CCGs, Field Marshal Reports, Miniatures, Role-Playing Games | Tagged Board Games, carnage xx, ccgs, conventions, miniatures, Role-Playing Games
New Starfinder Scenario and Friday Afternoon Seats
By Tyler on October 12, 2017
With the convention less than a month out, the schedule is pretty well set, but there are some additions we wanted you to know about. Astral Source: Infiltrating the Liminal Zone Per Eisenman has taken Paizo’s new Starfinder rule set and used it to power his own creation, Astral Source. In 2121, Earth’s solar system […]
Posted in Role-Playing Games | Tagged carnage xx, conventions, news, Role-Playing Games
Adventurers League Registration Update for Carnage XX
By Tyler on September 25, 2017
When registration opened last Monday, attendees may have noticed that none of the Dungeons & Dragons games listed within the Adventurers League Organized Play category were available for sign-up. Adventurers League offerings at Carnage have been coordinated by Mark Merida with the Role Initiative, as in the last few years. To help explain the delay […]
Posted in Role-Playing Games | Tagged adventurers league, carnage xx, dungeons & dragons, news, registration, Role-Playing Games

Carnage XX Opens for Registration!
By Tyler on September 18, 2017
Note: This post links to the 2017 convention schedule and is made available for informational purposes only. If you’re looking for the current year’s convention book, check the sidebar, or the top of the News page, to see if it has been released yet. Registration for Carnage XX has officially opened! This year, we are […]
Posted in Board Games, CCGs, Field Marshal Reports, Miniatures, Role-Playing Games | Tagged Board Games, carnage xx, ccgs, convention book, conventions, larps, miniatures, news, registration, Role-Playing Games

Carnage XX Wants You to Run Games
By Tyler on May 24, 2017
This November, Carnage celebrates twenty years of playing tabletop games in Vermont with a bang, but we can’t do it without your help! A tabletop game convention is only as good as the variety and quality of games that are on offer. At Carnage, all the games, which may be similar to the one on […]
Posted in Board Games, CCGs, Field Marshal Reports, Miniatures, Role-Playing Games | Tagged Board Games, carnage xx, ccgs, conventions, GM Submissions, GMs, miniatures, Role-Playing Games