Adventurers League Registration Update for Carnage XX
By Tyler on September 25, 2017
When registration opened last Monday, attendees may have noticed that none of the Dungeons & Dragons games listed within the Adventurers League Organized Play category were available for sign-up. Adventurers League offerings at Carnage have been coordinated by Mark Merida with the Role Initiative, as in the last few years. To help explain the delay […]
Posted in Role-Playing Games | Tagged adventurers league, carnage xx, dungeons & dragons, news, registration, Role-Playing Games

Carnage XX Opens for Registration!
By Tyler on September 18, 2017
Note: This post links to the 2017 convention schedule and is made available for informational purposes only. If you’re looking for the current year’s convention book, check the sidebar, or the top of the News page, to see if it has been released yet. Registration for Carnage XX has officially opened! This year, we are […]
Posted in Board Games, CCGs, Field Marshal Reports, Miniatures, Role-Playing Games | Tagged Board Games, carnage xx, ccgs, convention book, conventions, larps, miniatures, news, registration, Role-Playing Games
Countdown to Carnage XX: From Preregistration to the Convention
By Tyler on September 6, 2017
As Carnage XX approaches, we’re reminded that while the convention is entering its twentieth year, not necessarily everyone interested in attending has been before or is intimately familiar with how Carnage works. To that end, here’s a quick road map to the convention, from the day preregistration opens to the convention itself. [row ] [col […]
Posted in Board Games, CCGs, Field Marshal Reports, Miniatures, Role-Playing Games | Tagged carnage xx, conventions, registration