math trade
Trading in the Land of the Lost, Carnage of the Lost World’s No-Ship Math Trade, Is Now Open
By Tyler on October 12, 2015
As previously foreshadowed, Matt Golec is coordinating the now-annual Carnage math trade, wherein people offer games up for trade, compose want lists of what others are offering for trade, and then a computer program sorts it all out to optimize the trading. It’s pretty cool, and a fun way to turn over your game library. […]
Posted in Board Games, CCGs, Field Marshal Reports, Miniatures, Role-Playing Games | Tagged Board Games, carnage of the lost world, ccgs, conventions, math trade, miniatures, Role-Playing Games
Prepare for Trading in the Land of the Lost This November at Carnage
By Tyler on September 28, 2015
One of Carnage’s newest traditions is the no-ship math trade, an opportunity for gamers to swap away unwanted games for something new and fresh. What, specifically, is a math trade? This Boardgamegeek geeklist explains it nicely: “In Math trades people offer the games they want to trade and then say the games they want to […]
Posted in Board Games, CCGs, Field Marshal Reports, Miniatures, Role-Playing Games | Tagged Board Games, carnage, carnage of the lost world, ccgs, math trade, miniatures, Role-Playing Games

A Fistful of Carnage Math Trade Coming Soon!
By Tyler on September 20, 2014
Matt Golec, friend of Carnage, trusty organizer of math trades past, and co-designer of Penny Press, asked we pass on the word that the Game With No Name, a no-ship math trade coinciding with this year’s A Fistful of Carnage at Killington, is indeed in the offing: The Carnage no-ship math trade will return! The […]
Posted in Board Games, CCGs, Field Marshal Reports, Miniatures, Role-Playing Games | Tagged Board Games, ccgs, math trade, matt golec, miniatures, Role-Playing Games
Here’s Trading With You, Kid: A Carnage Noir No-Ship Math Trade
By Tyler on October 9, 2012
Thanks to the efforts of Matt Golec, Carnage-goers once again have the opportunity to participate in Here’s Looking At You, Kid, a no-ship math trade with their fellow conventioneers. As Matt explains, “Math trades are a great way to swap games you no longer play for games you’d love to add to your collection. You […]
Posted in Board Games, CCGs, Miniatures, Role-Playing Games | Tagged Board Games,, card games, carnage noir, ccgs, math trade, miniatures, Role-Playing Games
The Curiouser and Curiouser Carnage Math Trade
By Tyler on October 14, 2011
The rapidly approaching traditional Carnage math trade has launched on Again helmed by Matt Golec, the Curiouser and Curiouser Carnage Math Trade provides an opportunity for Carnage-goers to offer up unwanted games in hopes of getting something they’d prefer in return. Matt’s introductory post goes into the whys and hows of a math trade, […]
Posted in Board Games, CCGs, Miniatures, Role-Playing Games | Tagged Board Games, carnage, carnage in wonderland, ccgs, conventions, math trade, miniatures, Role-Playing Games