
Badge sales for Carnage 28 will begin in late summer/early fall. If you meet our GM requirements to receive a free badge (see below), you do not need to buy a badge. A badge will be assigned to you.

Badge prices:

Children ages 10 and younger are welcome to participate in convention events for free when attended by a guardian or responsible adult as seats are available. Children 10 and under may get a free guest badge at the Registration Desk.

Refunds, minus processing fees, can be requested through the Tabletop Events registration site.


There are a couple of ways you can get a FREE Carnage badge:

1) Teach some games and sign up to be a Game Master (GM). GM two 4-hour time slots or GM a miniature game for at least 6 players in one 4-hour slot and you will be issued a free Carnage badge. The Carnage time slots are:

Friday: 1pm to 5pm
Friday: 7pm to 11pm
Saturday: 8am to 12pm
Saturday: 1pm to 5pm
Saturday: 7pm to 11pm
Sunday: 8am or 10am to 12pm
Sunday: 1pm to 5pm

2) Volunteer to help at various locations: registration desk, various help desks throughout the convention, at the game library, etc. Volunteers can sign up for shifts on Carnage’s Tabletop Events site. If you volunteer for two 4-hour shifts, you will be issued a free Carnage badge. The link to sign up for volunteer shifts will be provided when it becomes available.