The orneriest high plains drifter you’ll ever meet.
We are pleased to announce we have secured a date and place for Carnage on the Mountain 2014. Plan your next expedition up the slopes of Killington Peak for November 7th, 2014, executing a descent strategy on November 9th.[1] Carnage returns to the Killington Grand Resort for a full weekend of tabletop games: board games, card games, historical and fantasy miniatures, role-playing games and more.
The 2013 convention at Killington was a learning experience for everyone. The Carnage staff took their own notes, combined them with feedback from our conventioneers and are currently collaborating on how to provide an even better weekend of gaming for everyone at Killington in 2014.
Booking Rooms for Carnage on the Mountain 2014
For those who have not yet booked rooms for 2014, remember that in order to get the convention rate at the Killington Grand, you must call to reserve and you must specify you want the Carnage convention rate. Reserving online will not grant the convention rate.
In addition to hotel-style rooms, Killington also offers accommodations like the Pinnacle condominiums adjacent to the main building. Visit Killington’s website for full details on your mountainside options. You’ll find convention rates for Carnage on the Mountain 2014 listed on the Lodging page.
Running and Registering for Games
As is now tradition, Carnage’s field marshals will start contacting our trusty, ever-giving GMs in the late winter and spring. Around then, the GM submission form will also open. Registration should open in late summer, early fall.
The Latest News
As always, keep a weather eye on the Carnage website for the latest news. News posts are relayed to our presences on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.
[1] The very well prepared may wish instead to overwinter on the slopes of Killington. To those individuals, we wish godspeed.