New Englanders and residents of the wider northeastern US are keeping an eye on Hurricane Sandy, which is currently projected to hit the New York and New Jersey area early Tuesday morning. While Vermont appears to be squarely in the “side effects” zone of the hurricane’s current path, there is no way to predict now what effects of the hurricane may actually reach us. With last year’s disasters inflicted by Tropical Storm Irene are still fresh in our minds, we encourage all Carnage-goers to keep an eye on weather reports in the coming week and take advantage of services like Vermont 511 when planning travel routes.
That said, we are planning a full convention schedule for Carnage Noir. The Carnage staff will arrive at Lake Morey on Thursday evening and as in past years those guests arriving Thursday are all welcome to enjoy the pre-convention gaming in the lounge. This is our last year at Lake Morey, so weather permitting, please help us celebrate our final Carnage on the lake.